Perspectives from the Sky June 2020
By Leo Knighton Tallarico
In June 2020 the intensity and pace pick up! June starts with Venus Retrograde, Mercury going Retrograde on June 17-18th, a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on June 5th, a Solar Eclipse New Moon on the Summer Solstice, and the 2nd pass of the powerful Jupiter conjunct Pluto formation.

With Venus still Retrograde (till June 25th), as the June 5th Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius erupts, we can expect relationship issues to be front and center in our lives.
Venus Retrograde is a time when we look over our current relationships, while also remembering relationships of the past. Those old relationships come back into our memories and dreams, or people come back into our lives. This can be any kind of relationship: friends, romantic, or family.
Current relationships need more of our attention and require us to look at the issues and patterns that are unhealthy, unwise, codependent, stale, or repeating over and over again.

The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on June 5th at 3:12 PM EDT, has the Sun in Gemini exactly opposite the Moon in Sagittarius. Communication issues are in the spotlight, as Gemini is about information and messages while Sagittarius is about finding solution, resolution, meaning, and bringing issues to an answer.
There can be a lot of talking and/or texting with Gemini, sharing information or ideas, sometimes to the point of overload. Those who think more slowly may feel overwhelmed by all the facts and possibilities.
Sagittarius can come to opinions or conclusions very fast, often just using intuition. Gemini is then a good fact-checker to make sure the opinions are on track and the conclusions are accurate.
Donald Trump was born at this same Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, with his Sun in Gemini and his Moon in Sagittarius.
He is often way off with his facts, and inaccurate with his opinions and conclusions. He has confused what is Truth and what is falsehood. Media, other government officials, and conspiracy advocates muddy the waters of clarity, too.
At this Lunar Eclipse and leading up to it, you can expect events and stories that are difficult to decipher, hard to understand, or straddle the line between falsehood and truth.
Eclipses bring increased intensity and a shake-up from what is seen as normal or expected. Also, eclipses can greatly compromise the status quo.
The Virus and Economy are current issues that will remain in the spotlight this Eclipse Season. Drums of war and issues concerning the upcoming elections in November are also likely in focus, too.
Joe Biden will pick a running mate this Eclipse Season and planetary movements favor Elizabeth Warren, as the Solar Eclipse New Moon on Summer Solstice falls exactly at her natal Sun and Uranus in Cancer.
On June 18th at 12:59 AM EDT Mercury goes Retrograde, bringing Venus and Mercury both Retrograde from June 18th to June 25th. This gives much concentration and challenge for communicating and relating.
It is easier during this time to mis-communicate, to not be understood when relating. And being in the middle of Eclipse Season gives extra added intensity to these relationship and communication issues.
There could be shake-ups in the status quo of relating, not only romantic relationships but any kind relationship. Family and friends are included in this.
As always, Mercury Retrograde slowly shifts our perceptions, and often gets us to question what has already been decided or question the direction we have been leaning toward. Always best to wait until Mercury goes back Direct before making big decisions or starting major projects. It goes back Direct on July 12th.

On June 21st at 2:02 AM EDT there is another eclipse, a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer. This is on the Summer Solstice.
The last time this happened was Summer Solstice 2001. Later that summer 9-11 erupted in America.
What is happening planetarily on Summer Solstice is part of the “signature” of the whole summer season. And so, a Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice tells us that the summer of 2020 will be a powerful season with important events happening in our world.

In June 2001, I wrote in my publication Spiritual Renaissance that the Summer of 2001 would be a summer of great shake-up for the US. I put a picture of the tarot card, The Tower, along with my article. For those not familiar the Tower Card, it shows a huge tower on fire with people jumping out the windows.
I knew the US would have something big that threatens it because of other aspects, not just that Solar Eclipse.
This summer also has powerful planetary aspects to the USA natal chart, but I do not anticipate anything like the burning down of the Twin Towers.
On a personal level, the Solar Eclipse is in Cancer, so issues concerning family, women, Mothers, as well as issues of nurturing those who are vulnerable are likely themes.

On June 25th Venus goes back Direct. Hopefully, relationship issues have been addressed and changes made. Hopefully, some healing has occurred also. It may be several days before all clears up and for a relationship direction to be found.
On June 30th Jupiter makes another conjunction with Pluto. This aspect influences the great changes that have been happening this year. Add the eclipses and Retrogrades and you can see transformation continuing in a big way now.
There will be one more eclipse on July 4th. We will talk about next month.
Take care,

An astrological and spiritual guide and counselor, Leo’s specialty is counseling for those in the process of change, transformation, transition, and crisis. He also specializes in couples’ counseling for any and all kinds of relationship. He has been a fulltime professional for 30 years.
Leo also writes a weekly astrological forecast. Check it out online at:
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Hi. Thank you for your article, it gave me all the information I need about Venus Retrograde. I relatively recently started to get involved in astrology and I was interested to know what impact this planet has on me.
Anthony Zeli
Glad that you got the information you needed. Thank you for reading Leo’s Perspectives from the Sky. We have new forecasts every month after First Friday. Check back in!