Perspectives from the Sky
Astrological Forecast for July 2020
with Leo Knighton Tallarico
As we enter the second half of 2020, we are going full force into the gale winds of a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn. The last eclipse after two eclipse seasons this year. Also, the Sun in Cancer is meeting up in opposition to the Moon in Capricorn.
Sun in Cancer makes for a nurturing, sensitive, unconditional, permissive, supportive, and understanding Father. Moon in Capricorn represents a Mother who expects their child to “keep it together,” stay on course, take responsibility, create healthy boundaries, and do what needs to be done with no excuses for failure.
These issues are common issues for a Capricorn Moon and Sun in Cancer Full Moon combination. However, since we are talking about an eclipsed full moon, there is 10 or 20 times more power to it than a “normal” full moon.
This is the last eclipse of three eclipses in a row.
Eclipse seasons bring winds of change, and I am sure you have witnessed increased intensity, perhaps being taken off your usual rhythm and stride.
The eclipse shake-ups can be life altering for some, especially so if the signs and degrees of the eclipse trigger planets in one’s natal birth chart.
In the greater world, this year’s two Eclipse Seasons, with five eclipses so far, has taken our old life out of its usual balance.
The first Eclipse Season was last winter. It brought on the novel coronavirus and some scares about the state of the stock market and economy.
The next of the Eclipse Seasons, which we have been experiencing in late spring and early summer this year, brought out the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent rage, protests, arrests, and riots.
The sense and hope, with all the powerful changes this year, is that these changes are deeply transformational, not just fleeting.
Rights for women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, and for people all over the world who have been oppressed and treated as if they are inferior and deserving of less will be more enduring this time.
The ’60 and ’70s brought the first wave of human rights for an Age of Aquarius, and these next few years are bringing an even bigger wave of transformation. We are moving inexorably into Age of Aquarius consciousness. But the Powers That Be will fight to put everything back into the old boxes again, so their privilege can continue.
As the old guard becomes more militant in “keeping order,” the forces of chaos will in turn express their own power.
And this is how the transition into a New Age will likely play out.
And through all the fire and smoke of change, we see before us the lights of a New World shining into our consciousness.
Lunar Eclipse
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn is on Saturday July 4th/5th. On the east coast it is actually on July 5th at 12:44 AM. It makes very close aspect to the USA natal Sun in Cancer. So, the purposes and identity of the USA will be challenged in some way, around the Lunar Eclipse, or at least we will be given clues as to what lies ahead for America.

Two important planetary events precede this Lunar Eclipse: Mars goes into Aries on June 27th for an extended stay of six months. And on July 29th/30th Jupiter will make its second of three meetings this year with Pluto.
This combination of planetary events will keep the flame lit on the enormous transformational journey we are all on now.
Mars in Aries is a sign that it is time for action, for moving forward. It can be like “ready or not here I come.” Mars going into Aries is a sign showing that conflicts will be coming over the next six months.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto adds much intensity to our journey. And Mercury is Retrograde until the 12th, so please do not do anything impulsive and do not make major decisions.
And then Mercury does go back Direct on the 12th, which should begin a process of finding more clarity and direction for our life journey.
On July 20th, we experience the second New Moon in Cancer this summer, the first one was on Summer Solstice in the form of a Solar Eclipse New Moon.
Cancer time is a time to feel safe and nurtured, to take care of your Self. It can also be a time for family, expressing and sharing feelings with others, and being more in touch with needs for intimacy.
On July 22nd, the Sun moves out of Cancer and into Leo. Leo is an open shining heart, creatively expressing itself.
It is time now to get back into your heart, to follow your heart’s desires, and to pick up your creative projects once again.
When Leo’s heart is closed, it can be in great pain, as its fuel for living is on empty. Then it turns more to ego and its ego issues can be great, as its need for attention gets greater too.
Our country is in the process of falling apart, while losing respect from all over the world. We are in decay on the inside as our values are eroding. When that happens the lower values of fame and wealth take over, and the slide downward goes faster.
The values of the USA from its inception were very idealistic and noble: equality for all, freedom and liberation, diversity within unity.
But so much has changed since then, and we are at a crossroads as we move into a New Age and New Paradigm.
We could go the way of Rome. Or we can come back to our deeper values and become an equal and contributing member to a world community in the Age of Aquarius.
Till next month,
Leo Knighton Tallarico

An astrological and spiritual guide and counselor, Leo’s specialty is counseling for those in the process of change, transformation, transition, and crisis. He also specializes in couples’ counseling for any and all kinds of relationship. He has been a fulltime professional for 30 years.
Leo also writes a weekly astrological forecast. Check it out online at: spiritualtherapy.wordpress.com.
For comments or to set up a consultation, email soulus@aol.com.
I study astrology at https://horo.io/ and I think the lunar eclipse falling on the birthday of the USA seems to indicate dark times, however this reading shows that the American experiment could have a rebirth. Americans might deside to become a family again, to ignore thet which divided us, and to work toward a more inclusive future. I will be rooting for that.