Open positions for CDL drivers could lead to delays in clearing snow on city streets
By Tony Zeli
As winter storms rage, the Portland Department of Public Works (DPW) must plow and salt over 560 lane miles of road. This year, the responsibility will fall on fewer workers as the department deals with a shortage of certified CDL drivers.

The City released a statement in December warning of labor shortages and possible delays. Public works said the combination of open positions for CDL drivers, employee leaves of absences, and a decrease in the number of private contractors and equipment may cause extended delays when the winter storms arrive.
“We’re doing everything we can to fill open positions,” said DPW Director Mike Murray. “We’ve hired an in-house CDL training instructor to train the non-CDL certified employees we’ve recently hired, but that process takes time. CDL drivers are highly sought after by both the public and private sector. The private sector is also experiencing this shortage and as such we’re not able to get as much help via private contractors.”
The work the city plow drivers do is essential.

City resident and former WEN contributor Rosanne Graef once went on a ride along with a city plow driver. She saw first hand the complexity of the job. “The fellow I went with was very experienced and it was really enlightening to learn about all the things he was observing and having to keep in mind as we moved along. It’s not just about the foot of snow in front of the plow!”
Graef said she worries that the current shortage of drivers will lead to complaints. Perhaps, she thought, it is a good time to remember what the pandemic taught us about essential workers. Meanwhile, DPW asks for everyone’s patience.
“We’re sharing this information so residents are aware in advance,” said Murray, “and we thank them for their patience this winter.”
As of print, DPW had made no new hires.