Letters to the Editor – June Edition 2023
Readers Respond to ‘Abandonment of Pain Patients’

I have always enjoyed your newspaper, but I am unsure of why you would allow essentially an op-ed piece be your lead article, written by a very biased source.
I reviewed a number of articles about Dr. Norris and the charges against her. Not surprisingly, the author of your article failed to mention any of the charges related to Medicare fraud, the routing of urine tests to a single California lab, the number of patient deaths of people in Dr. Norris’s care, etc.
I am all for innocent until proven guilty, but this article is so over the top in its bias that it makes me very wary of The West End News.
I have no emotional connection to the issues covered in the article – I have no axe to grind. I just fear the increasingly biased sources of news that everyone is being subjected to these days.
–Brian Walker, Portland
Thank you for calling attention to the deeply cruel abdication of today’s cowardly MDs in your article “Abandonment of Pain Patients,” (June Ed., 2023). What happened to “first, do no harm?”
I’m one of the victims. Dr. Merideth Norris is a hero, and her indictment is a perversion of our legal system and an indicator of our cultural decline. Again, thank you to Kelly Merrill and West End News.
-Helen Zuelow, Falmouth
Thank you for this article. Nothing I have read before even indicated any of the information you provided.
-Sallie Smith, Freeport