La Vida Local: Irregular Notes on West End Life
Positives & Ponderables
By Rosanne Graef
Positive – CPR Training
On April 20th, members of the Portland Fire Department (PFD) conducted a presentation on performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) at the Reiche Community Room.

After a brief review of the human circulatory and respiratory system, attendees had the opportunity to practice chest compressions on a rubber torso. They quickly realized how physically demanding performing CPR is. It is exhausting to do even for two minutes at the required speed and pressure. They also got a chance to examine one of the PFD’s automatic chest compression systems. A person can be placed into one of these and receive CPR from a machine that doesn’t get tired. Currently the PFD has three of these systems, one on Peaks Island and two on the mainland.
The West End Neighborhood Association (WENA) sponsored the session. We are grateful to the PFD team as well as Emergency Medical Services and Training Division Chief Sean Donoghue, who organized the training. WENA is making plans to offer a PFD CPR certification class. If you’re interested in taking it, please e-mail with your contact information.
Positive – Spring Clean-Up
Saturday, April 22nd, was WENA’s Spring Clean-Up Day. It also happened to be Earth Day. From the Stewards of the Western Cemetery to the Reiche Community School Green Team, West Enders were out in force. Over fifty people, including a seven-person contingent from Strive U, picked up trash from streets, sidewalks, esplanades, and parks. Marc Spiller and his team from Public Works and West End Community Police Coordinator Carole Dunphe provided support with supplies. And they hauled off the filled trash bags. At Reiche Community Center, delicious coffee from Tommy Yordprom perked folks up as they picked up supplies and got their assignments from Bryan Van Dussen and Christine McHale.
Having participated in numerous clean-ups over the years – including April Stools Day, when the search was on for the Golden Turd -I can say that the exposed dog poop situation has really improved. Now if every dog walker could just take their filled plastic poop bag to a proper receptacle!
Ponderable – Housing vs. Trees
Is Portland heading toward a clash between two stated goals: increasing housing density and expanding the tree canopy? With the drive to cover almost the entirety of lots with dwelling space and ADA requirements for sidewalk widths, where’s an urban tree to go?
Ponderable – Fortress Reiche?
How did we get to the point where there are chains and no entry signs at the Reiche Community School playground? This didn’t happen overnight and there are lots of reasons things have played out this way. Fifty years ago, this facility was built to bring people together. Between the school and community center sections of the building, one could walk on the ramps and deck connecting Clark Street to Brackett Street – where Varnum Street once was. Do we want Fortress Reiche? If not, what are we going to do about it?