Elders for Future Generation
Statement of Concern about Democracy and Global Warming

As Elders for Future Generations, we express deep concern for the future of our planet, our country, and children everywhere.
The extreme risks of global warming for future generations cannot be underestimated especially given recent events: unprecedented heat waves, catastrophic fires, and lethal floods of epic proportions. A new global study by the United Nations raises the alarm to a terrifying level.
Confronting this crisis requires a functioning democracy. The current, nationwide attack by the Trump-Republican Party on the voting rights of all Americans, and especially people of color, is meant to ensure that the power remains with corporations and not the people. Failure to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act will doom efforts to enact needed legislation to move our country to a decarbonized economy critical for reduction of global warming.
We call upon all people of good conscience to put aside their differences, speak out boldly, and do whatever we, the people, can to stop the vicious attacks on our democracy and environment, and stand up for what is right — namely, the well-being and future of children, the country and the planet. Let us all wake up to the reality that if we don’t raise our voices loud and clear, we will lose our democracy, and our environment will become unlivable. It’s on us!
For a list of actions you can do now, go to eldersforthefuture.com.
-Elders for Future Generations