Celebrate Local Climate Wins like the Portland Climate Action Fund
By Caitlin Marshall
Now, more than ever, state and local climate action is essential for meeting the climate crisis. Fortunately, that is already underway.
Portland’s Climate Action Fund

At the end of last year, the Portland City Council unanimously approved the creation of a new Climate Action Fund to develop projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An important aspect of the fund is that it does not take money from the city budget. Instead, it is funded by the sale of RECs (renewable energy credits) which are earned by the city’s solar arrays along with donations and grants.
The council passed this ordinance after a year of dedicated effort by the members of PCAT, the Portland Climate Action team. Members worked to learn the ins and outs of RECs. Then we shared that information with the wider public and representatives on city council. We looked to the example of other communities using RECs to fund sustainability initiatives (like Washington, DC), and helped shape an ordinance that is clear and simple. (View the 11/18/2024 meeting minutes to see the full ordinance.)
The next step is to ensure all voices are heard fairly in the selection of projects. This is where you come in!
In Portland, as in the rest of the country, the threats of climate change such as extreme temps and risk of flooding most affect the communities already marginalized as low-income and communities of color. A shortcoming of the ordinance is that it does not specifically outline the process for selecting projects. That is beyond laying out what types of projects qualify: increasing sustainability and resilience and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
As Portland residents, we can work with our neighborhood associations, volunteer groups, or connect directly with city councilors. Give input on what kinds of projects you’d like to see and who they should benefit. To learn more about the city’s Sustainable Neighborhoods program and connect with your neighborhood association, visit the city website.
Connect with PCAT
To connect with the PCAT volunteer group, come to a meeting or email us. We’re looking forward to working together to bring greater sustainability and resilience to this city we call home.
Bright Ideas is brought to you by PCAT. Portland Climate Action Team meets the fourth Tuesday of the Month, 6 to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. FMI email Portlandclimate@gmail.com or visit facebook.com/PortlandClimateActionTeam.