Perspectives from the Sky : Astrological Forecast October 2017
Reheating in October
by Leo Knighton Tallarico
Entering October, we can now see Eclipse Season in our rear view mirror. You can feel a lessening of intensity.
And it was quite intense around the eclipses. Consider, the most powerful hurricanes and earthquakes, and war drums beating loudly with North Korea. Also, racial issues were stirred by Charlottesville and Trump’s statement that football players who take a knee during the anthem, in protest of racial abuses, should be fired! That caused a big backlash from players, who showed little respect for this president.
Though racial issues and the North Korea conflict have not yet been resolved, for now there is temporarily less tension and less anger being expressed.
But on October 5th at 2:40 PM EDT there is a Full Moon in Aries that may reheat issues that appeared to cool off.
When there is a Full Moon in Aries that means that the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries are exactly opposite one another. With this Full Moon, Pluto will be making a conflict laden square to both the Sun and Moon.
So, the pot of war-talk between North Korea and America will be stirred. And people can look more closely at possibilities for peace (Libra) or war (Aries). With Pluto in that Full Moon signature issues tend to be brought to a boil. As such, there should be a more definite sense of war or peace on the way.
In your own life, you may need to decide whether to stand up for your own needs and what you believe in (Aries) or whether to be more aware and serving of someone else’s needs (Libra). Pluto’s presence will tend to increase the intensity of discussion and bring a catharsis that puts all cards on the table.
Transformational energies during Eclipse Season brought needs to consider or to actually manifest change in our lives.
There is no stopping the train of great change in our personal lives and in America. The Total Solar Eclipse traveled exclusively across the United States, symbolically showing us that the transformation intended with the eclipse is concentrated on the USA.
The Military/Industrial Complex is meant to have breakdowns over the next 6 to 7 years like never before.
There is a world community based on equality and Diversity within Unity that seeks to be built in alignment with the Age of Aquarius. The upsetting of old and decayed apple carts will facilitate that transformation. This means economic and military/police institutions will need to be changed.
And you can believe those institutions will be fighting for their lives. This could cause attempts by those institutions to dominate and bully people, to force them to conform to the current order.
On October 10th, expansive Jupiter will leave balanced and peace seeking Libra to go into intense and power struggling Scorpio. It will stay in Scorpio for about a year, and has not been in Scorpio since 2006.
In 2006, North Korea had its first nuclear test ever, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to die by hanging, and Israel began a major war with Hezbollah of Lebanon.
What was happening in your life in 2006? Consider your power, passion, intensity and transformation.
Around the same day, Mars will square Saturn, stirring up the USA natal Mars. Police and military issues may be in our collective spotlight around that time.
In your own life this is not a good time to start something new or to charge forward with anything. You will likely get a stop sign or slow down sign if you do.
On October 17th, Mercury moves into Scorpio.
This will provide greater ability to gain insight and penetrate to the core of an issue. Communication could intensify as well.
On October 19th there is a New Moon in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries. The New Moon is at 3:12 p.m. This should bring energies that help us break out of stuck situations and to see things inventively. Go “outside the box,” and liberate oneself from difficult situations.
Back on September 28th, when Jupiter in Libra opposed Uranus in Aries, there were similar energies providing the spark for breakthroughs and getting out of stuck situations or thought patterns.
What was happening for you in late September this year?
The Libra New Moon also signifies new beginnings, especially with relationships, art projects, legal matters, matters of mediation, or a seeking of temperance, balance, and peaceful resolutions.
On October 22nd, the Sun leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio. Expect deepening experiences.
Scorpio coaxes us to get in touch with our more primal instincts. In that process, it can bring us to what gives us passion. It is a good time to get in touch with what gives you passion in your life!
On the down side Scorpio can bring up that which we have buried inside us. And since those emotions, hurts, or trauma were buried, when they come up they can be quite intensified or even distorted.
What first was anger is now rage. What first was fear becomes fright. Jealousy, envy, thoughts of revenge are the “negative” side of Scorpio.
Also on the 22nd, Mars leaves Virgo and enters Libra until December 9th.
Mars is the part of us that seeks to assert ourselves. While in Libra there is a more gentle expression of assertion, and a greater awareness of the “other” in relationships.
Of course, the Sun just went into Scorpio, and Jupiter also went there very recently. So there can be a conflict between being civil and polite on the one hand (Libra) or powerfully expressive of any and all emotions on the other hand (Scorpio).
Sexual instincts may be arising now too (pun intended).
On the 26th and 27th, energies intensify much more as the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Scorpio, and Venus squares Pluto (ruling planet of Scorpio). Watch out. Do not cross the line into meanness. Do not say something you will regret later.
This month of October may trigger some of the issues that were brought up during Eclipse Season, and in that process shake us back up again.
New events that trace back to Eclipse Season may erupt this month and next month. Also, the economy and stock market will be increasingly vulnerable to bad news and this may cause downward movements in money issues.
Till November,
Leo Knighton Tallarico
An astrological and spiritual guide and counselor, Leo’s specialty is counseling for those in the process of change, transformation, transition, and crisis. He also specializes in couples’ counseling for any and all kinds of relationship. He has been a fulltime professional for 30 years.
Leo co-directs the Spiritual Renaissance Center in South Portland with his life-mate Deborah Knighton Tallarico. Visit
Leo also writes a weekly astrological forecast. Check it out online at:
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