We’re All in This Together
Action is the Antidote to Despair:
A Post-Election Path to Climate Security
By Peter Dugas
Citizens’ Climate Lobby prides itself on being a nonpartisan, peaceful army of volunteers working to “build the political will for a livable world.” Regardless of our personal partisan alignment, we understand the fickleness of the American electorate and the need to build coalitions across economic, ethnic, and political diversity.
There’s no sugar-coating what recent election results could mean for climate progress. The new administration campaigned on rolling back climate success and responds to near-universal calls for increased climate action with the tired old refrain “drill baby drill.”
But now is not the time for despair. We must redouble our efforts, build broader coalitions, and do all we can to accelerate the transition to a cleaner energy future. The global climate system does not care about our politics or feelings, only our actions.
Here are practical steps we can take:
- It’s never been cheaper to decarbonize – take advantage of clean energy and efficiency incentives now. The Biden administration has done more than any previous one to nudge the US economy towards energy innovation. While the incoming administration has other concepts, there is growing bipartisan appreciation for the new incentives. Eighteen Congressional Republicans asked the Speaker to preserve the Inflation Reduction Act – moved by 85% of benefits going to Republican districts. If you’re considering heat pumps, insulation, solar panels, or an EV, it would be wise to jump on the incentives now. Contact RewiringAmerica.org or efficiencymaine.com to learn more and save money.
- Climate change is a growing national concern, which impacts prices from food to insurance. Further, 72% of Americans know it’s happening, so don’t avoid talking about it. Our civic duty is to talk about it. Visit cclusa.org/conversation for tips on effective climate communication.
- We’re in the middle of a global energy transition – ask our leaders to support it. Renewable energy is now the cheapest form. Battery storage is quickly evolving to fix intermittency. Businesses know the “winners” of the 21st century will be those who win this renewable energy race.

- Carbon pollution pricing is coming – ask lawmakers for Cashback Carbon Pricing that helps the environment and every citizen. Citizens’ Climate Lobby agrees with the UN-IPCC that pricing carbon pollution is a “necessary condition” for stabilizing the climate. The EU, UK, Japan and other carbon pricing nations are implementing carbon border adjustment mechanisms on imports from countries that don’t have a high enough carbon price (like China) or no carbon price (like Belarus, Russia, Libya… or the only developed nation without it: USA!). US businesses know we will be increasingly disadvantaged in international trade until we bridge this carbon pricing gap. Tell our lawmakers to price carbon pollution now through cclusa.org/write-cfd.
Peter Dugas is Citizens’ Climate Lobby Northeast Regional Director.
We’re All in This Together is a monthly Climate Justice column provided to WEN by Maine-based volunteers with Citizens’ Climate Lobby.