The City of Portland has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for fiber optic connectivity to its facilities on Canco Road.
The City currently has five 10 GB network switches, providing connectivity to all City and School buildings. As the City consolidates its spaces they would like to explore the possibility of an open access fiber network starting in downtown Portland and ending at the Canco facilities.
An open access fiber network would benefit both the City and the residential neighborhoods nearby, potentially providing free access to the fastest internet available. There are currently two proposed options:
Option 1
Run a limited number of single mode fiber strands between the Canco Rd. location and either Ocean Ave Elementary or Ocean Ave Fire Station. The distance is approximately 1 mile.
Option 2
Develop a first stage open access fiber network connecting downtown and Canco Rd. One idea for this option includes a mainline or lateral type of route. A mainline route will include 838 residential properties, 350 commercial properties, and a large bundle for the needs of the Canco Rd. facilities.
All proposals should be aware that this contract award is based on appropriation of funds approved or granted by the Portland City Council.
Sealed responses will be received by the Purchasing Office, City Hall, Room 103, until 3:00pm on Thursday December 10, 2015. Proposals not registered with the Purchasing Office may be rejected.
A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held in Room 209 of City Hall on November 17th, at 10:00 a.m. Only firms in attendance may submit a proposal.
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