Neighbors Raise Awareness for Safe Boating
Portland’s Swim for Life/Water Safety Coalition announced its support of Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day on Friday, May 19th. And on May 20th join others on the steps of City Hall to help set a world record for number of life jackets worn at one time.
The Swim for Life Coalition is a cooperative project of the West End Neighborhood Association and Portland Parks, Recreation and Facilities. The Coalition joins the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) to heighten awareness of different styles of life jackets, including inflatable life jackets. Consider joining them and help demonstrate their comfort and versatility by wearing one to work.
The annual event launches the 2017 North American Safe Boating Campaign. Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day occurs just prior to National Safe Boating Week, May 20th through 26th.
National Safe Boating Week Resolution

Spencer Thibodeau wears a life jacket to work for National Safe Boating Week. -Photo by Nick Mavodones
At the April 24th City Council meeting, District Two Councilor Spencer Thibodeau donned a life jacket in honor of Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day. And with it fitting snugly over his suit, Thibodeau presented a resolution recognizing National Safe Boating Week.
The resolution states that Portland offers an abundance of opportunities to be on and in the water for recreation, work and travel. Also, it recognizes the West End Neighborhood Association’s grassroot efforts to provide life jackets and training.
Furthermore, the resolution states that each year, on average nationally, 700 people die in boating-related accidents. And eight out of every ten victims were not wearing a life jacket.
On Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day remember to take a picture of yourself in your life jacket while at work. Then post it to the Ready, Set, Wear It! Facebook page ( Or submit photos directly to Or tweet your picture using #RSWI2017.
Life Jacket World Record Day
Join the gathering for the Life Jacket World Record Day at noon in Robert B. Ganley City Hall Plaza. Meet at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 20th. The West End News will be on scene to photograph those gathered. Come to increase awareness and to help break the world record for number of life jackets worn at the same time.
More information about the event and safe boating is available at
Swim for Life Coalition educates residents and visitors to safely enjoy all the water-based activities Portland offers. Find more information about the program at
Tom Douglas
Great story. Good for Council member Thibodeau. Let’s get behind the 2018 Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day on May 18.