La Vida Local
Irregular Notes on West End Life
Singin’ in the Rain
By Rosanne Graef
This past winter was tough on many plants around the West End. And the spring weather was a wild ride. There were few blossoms on cherry trees. And my 15-year-old rose bush that had a spectacular display last summer gave up the ghost. Although they got off to an early start, our lilacs bloomed profusely and fragrantly despite the expanding longitudinal splits in the bark of some bushes. I had thought the jack-in-the-pulpit, descendants of a colony that my mother started in Wayne 65 years ago, didn’t make it. I was delighted when they reappeared.
There’s nothing like spring weather in Maine to test one’s dedication to outdoor activities. Several hot, dry, windy days kicked off the vegetable gardening season. Predictably they were followed by a rainy spell that invited every slug in southern Maine into the newly planted lettuce and green beans.
The day-long rain on Saturday, June 17th, certainly didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the many who turned out for two enthusiastically anticipated events: the Pride Parade in Portland and Maine Audubon’s Native Plant Sale. You may not burst into song, but getting soaked or slogging through mud to participate in something meaningful to you can make the experience especially rewarding.
See You In September (if not before)
A.M. Exercise – Most of the West End Neighborhood Association’s (WENA) activities in the Reiche Community Room are on hiatus for the summer—with the exception of A.M. Exercise which will continue Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:15 to 9:15 a.m. To be held either in the gym at Reiche or in the pine grove on the Clark Street side of the building by the entrance to the Reiche Community Room.
Sunset Concert Series – WENA is pleased to be a supporter of the Sunset Concert Series on the Western Prom. Enjoy an hour of music, take in the sunset view, meet old and new friends every Wednesday from July 12th through August 16th.
WENA Annual Picnic – Tuesday, August 8th, save the date for WENA’s Annual Picnic! Bring your own picnic. We’ll provide dessert. Meet 5:30 p.m. at Harbor View Park on York Street. Live entertainment by the Flukes.

Reiche Community Room – In September, WENA’s evening activities will resume in the Reiche Community Room. These include Magazine Readers, Classic Movies, Speakers Series, Animated Movies, Die Well Death Education (formerly Memento Mori). A.M. Exercise will be back in the Community Room with live instruction for Tai Chi Chih (Tuesdays) and Yoga (Thursdays). Also join balance, strength, and flexibility DVDs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
WENA Meeting – The next general WENA meeting is on Wednesday, September 13th, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The program will feature Alex Marshall, director of the Parks Department and Nan Cumming from the Portland Parks Conservancy. They’ll be talking about Project Canopy and the effort to plant more trees, more equitably throughout the city. You’ll learn more about how you can participate in WENA’s efforts to help make our city healthier, more beautiful, and livable for all.