Two ‘Sidewalk Buttlers’ were installed on August 8th on the Congress Street side of Congress Square Park, courtesy of the Friends of Congress Square Park. The group hopes the Sidewalk Buttlers will help lessen some of the cigarette butt litter on the sidewalk, as well as in the park itself.
West End Neighborhood Association President Rosanne Graef said that residents can help further the effort to remove cigarette butts from sidewalks, gutters and waterways by contacting City Councillors to urge their support for the project.
Butts collected from the ‘Buttlers’ are recycled into pallets and other products.
Aside from the initial cost of the Buttler ($59), there is no further cost for the receptacle, or for getting the butts to the recycler. Getting the receptacles emptied is the issue that’s holding up deployment of additional Buttlers, according to Graef.