Councilor Thibodeau hosts Reiche improvements ribbon cutting TONIGHT at 5:30 PM
City Councilor Spencer Thibodeau and the City of Portland host a ribbon cutting tonight, Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. They will unveil recent Reiche improvements that were made to the elementary school and community center. The City’s Facilities Department oversaw the removal of the crumbling Clark Street ramp. The ramp was replaced with an addition that includes a new community center entrance, auxiliary school entrance and elevator. The City will host tours of the improvements following the ribbon cutting ceremony. Then stay around and attend the annual West End Neighborhood Association meeting in the Reiche Book Nook.
The new elevator provides ADA compliant access to the Community Room, Public Health Station and second floor of the school. Also, the exterior grade and new floors were raised to match the floor level of the pool hallway, cafeteria and first floor of the school. These improvements bring ADA accessibility to all levels of the building.
Also, the work improves school security by separating public areas from students, and provides a more prominent entrance for Community Center patrons.
An $800,000 appropriation of Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) funds paid for the work. In addition to the improvements to the school building, $85,000 was also invested to upgrade the Brackett Street crossings to ensure student and pedestrian safety.
The ribbon cutting is tonight from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Reiche’s Clark Street entrance. Tours will follow from 5:45 to 7 p.m.