As I write this on December 16, 2014, we have just passed another Uranus square Pluto exact aspect on December 15th. This is the 6th of 7 exact squares between Uranus and and Pluto from 2012... Read more
Astrology, for many of you reading this, is either new to you or seems like superstition or silliness. This is in large part because of how the mainstream media and shallow people have reduc... Read more
By Leo Knighton Tallarico As we wrote about last issue, our human family is at a major crossroads on the way to an Age of Aquarius. The ’60s and ’90s eras each gave us some of th... Read more
An Astrological Guide for Worldview and Personal Transformation during these Changing Times on Planet Earth By Leo Knighton Tallarico We are moving through important tides of change f... Read more