The City is getting ready to roll out new purple pay-as-you-throw trash bags, which will be available at local retailers beginning July 5th. The new trash bag rate will be $1.35 per 15 gallon bag or $2.70 per 30 gallon bag.
The City Council approved a 90-day transition period where residents can use any remaining blue trash bags and/or exchange their blue bags for purple bags at several different locations. If exchanging bags, customers must pay the price difference.
Until October 4th, blue or purple bags will be accepted at the curb, and customers may exchange blue for purple bags with the City. Retailers are also available to perform exchanges on any unopened packages. Customers may exchange individual blue for purple bags at the following locations:
The City Council approved the increase in the trash bag fee as part of its approval of the $225 million municipal budget on June 25th. The Council approved increases in revenues from non-tax sources to help offset the impact to the property tax rate.
The Portland trash bag fee has not increased in five years and is lower than surrounding communities. In addition to the change in fee, the City has received the findings of its solid waste study that was commissioned this year, which fully examined the program to look for efficiencies. These findings will be discussed at the Transportation, Sustainability, and Energy Committee in the next few months, and there is the potential for implementing additional changes that will help further modernize the City waste disposal system.
For more information, please visit: