By Tony Zeli
This November Portland voters face an important local election with several open seats up for grabs on Portland City Council. Open seats include District 1, where Councilor Belinda Ray is not seeking reelection; District 2, as Spencer Thibodeau resigned for a position in the Biden administration (after announcing he would not run for reelection); and one of three at-large seats, replacing Nicholas Mavodones who is not seeking reelection.
Also, the remaining councilors who are not up for reelection this year are first-term members Mayor Kate Snyder, Tae Chong (D3), Andrew Zarro (D4), Mark Dion (D5), April Fournier (at-large), and second-term member Pious Ali (at-large).
Based on historical voter turnout provided by the City of Portland, the turnout will be low. Other Portland elections with no major state or national races driving turnout average less than 19,000 voters. Compare that to turnout for the November 2020 Presidential election when there was a historically high turnout in the city of 42,097 voters.
Polls open on Tuesday, November 2nd, at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Find your polling place online at https://tinyurl.com/me-polling-place-lookup.
All polling places are wheelchair accessible. Or, there is an alternate voting place for elderly and physically handicapped voters only who reside within any voting district of the city that is available at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 389 Congress Street.
Find information on requesting and returning absentee ballots here.
Portland Election 2021 Municipal Seats on Ballot – 3-year term unless stated otherwise
City Council District 1
Sarah Michniewicz
Anna Trevorrow
City Council District 2
Jon Hinck
Victoria Pelletier
City Council At-Large – 1 seat
Travis Curran
Brandon Mazer
Roberto Rodriguez
Stuart Tisdale, Jr.
School Board District 1
Abusana Bondo
School Board District 2
Emily Figdor
School Board At-Large – 1 seat
Nyalat Biliew
Sarah Thompson
Peaks Island Council – 3 seats
Peter McLaughlin
Water District Trustee – 1 seat (5yr. term)
Charles Shattuck-Heidorn

Voters may register on Election Day at their polling location with proof of identity and residency.
And before the election, any resident wishing to register to vote or to vote absentee, may visit the Portland City Clerk, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Portland residents can also register early by mailing in a voter registration application or by filling out that form and visiting the Clerk’s temporary space in Room 24, in the basement of City Hall.
To register to vote, residents must provide documents that show proof of identity and proof of residency. For example, a driver’s license or state identification card with a current address meets both criteria.
If mailing a voter registration card, you must send proof of identity such as a photocopy of your driver’s license or other ID or an acceptable form that shows residency.
The City is enforcing Covid-19 safety measures at all polling locations. So booths will be spread out, hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray will be available, and election workers will have plexiglass barriers, face shields, and masks.
Also, voters are encouraged to wear a mask or cloth face covering when voting.